Scientists studying the evolution of dogs from wolves have discovered a fascinating phenomenon called “co-evolution.” This means that dogs and humans have formed such a strong partnership that […]
Telepathy & Emotional Awareness with Dogs
In the past, animals were revered for their spiritual nature and the wisdom they held about the world. People would connect with them through nature and ask for […]
Holistic Discipline & Communication with Dogs
Throughout history, humans and dogs have shared a special bond, with our genomes evolving together. As humans, we have influenced the appearance and behavior of domestic dogs all […]
The Science of Communication with Dogs
Dogs have developed the ability to recognize spatial directives, making them the perfect social tool for herding and hunting. They have also developed a special sensitivity to the […]
Holistic Communication for a Dog’s Life Stages
As any dog owner can attest, these furry companions seem to understand every word and gesture we make. However, a recent study has shed light on the importance […]
If Holistic Dog Diets Don’t Work
When fresh meats are hard to come by or your furry friend turns their nose up at them, high-quality dry dog food with plenty of protein is a […]
Good Dog Care Needs a Holistic Approach
From food and nutrition to lifestyle, activity level, supplements, medicine, and treatments, everything must work together harmoniously. It’s a trending topic in the field of veterinary medicine, and […]
Choosing the Right Natural Food for Dogs
Because any dog food brand can label their formulas as holistic, it’s up to pet parents to conduct more research into ingredients and read food labels carefully. While […]
Home Remedies for Dogs – Part 2
To treat minor cuts and scratches on your dog’s skin, witch hazel is a useful astringent to have on hand. It can be found in some dog grooming […]
Home Remedies for Dogs
If the vet advises inducing vomiting, having a bottle of 3% pharmaceutical hydrogen peroxide on hand can be helpful. It is essential to note that you should not […]