Putting a dog to sleep is one of the saddest things that can happen to anyone in life. There’s never really a right time to say goodbye, nor […]
Bathing, Clipping and Trimming Nails for Dogs
Ears and Fur Remember to always check the ear canals for foreign bodies and even ticks or excess wax. Gently and carefully clean the outer ear with a […]
Choosing to Groom the Dog at Home
Create a Routine Bathing is very important for dogs and should be enjoyable. Many choose a professional service for this, but all or part of the process can […]
Raw Food Diet for Dogs
Feeding At Different Life Stages Puppies necessitate higher quantities of protein, fat, and carbohydrates compared to adult dogs. Additionally, puppies require more frequent feeding throughout the day, unlike […]
Administering Medication to Dogs
If the medication is oral, it is advisable to first determine whether it is best to administer it with food or water. If the medication can be mixed […]
Choosing What’s Best for Your Dog’s Diet
It is often overlooked that providing only canned food from a factory and mass-produced kibble grounds may not be the optimal choice for your dog. While it may […]
Common Food Allergy Issues
It can be difficult to recognize a dog’s food allergy unless you know the basic information related to the type of allergy. The first symptoms of a dog […]
Dog Grooming at Home
Clipping a dog is often regarded by many dog owners as a mere mechanical task, without recognizing it as an art form. However, it is crucial to understand […]
Exercise Routines for Dogs
Dogs require a minimum of 30-60 minutes of daily exercise, regardless of the weather conditions. However, it is important to take the weather into account and make appropriate […]