Hello January – Let’s Talk About CBD for Dogs

CBD: What is it?

We’ve talked about CBD as a supplement for various ailments, but what really is CBD? CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is an oil that is derived from either the cannabis or hemp plant. It can also be produced synthetically in a laboratory. While there have been studies suggesting that CBD has medical benefits, more research is needed to fully understand its safety, long-term effects, and effectiveness in humans.

Cannabis is a plant that contains various active compounds, with CBD and THC being the most significant ones. CBD works by binding to specific receptors in different parts of the body, such as the central nervous system, intestines, muscles, bones, liver, spleen, heart, and lungs, to enhance certain bodily functions.

The main difference between CBD and THC is that THC has psychoactive properties that can induce a “high” feeling, whereas CBD does not. CBD is typically found in oil form, while THC can be found in various forms, including the plant itself.

Currently, there is limited research on the use of CBD in dogs, so it is unclear whether it is safe for them. It is important to consult with your veterinarian who can discuss the potential risks and benefits of CBD for your furry friend. If CBD is recommended, your vet will also provide you with a suitable dosage range for your dog.

It is worth noting that CBD can affect liver enzymes, which play a role in medication metabolism. Therefore, if your dog is taking medication, there is a possibility that CBD oil may have a negative impact on their health.

What Benefits Does CBD Provide for Dogs?

There have been numerous studies conducted to determine the potential benefits of CBD for dogs. These studies have explored various conditions such as arthritis pain, seizures, allergic diseases, fear-based reactivity, stress, anxiety, cancer treatment (specifically lung cancer with inhalant CBD), liver disease, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

In the event of accidental overdose or if your dog experiences any symptoms while taking a CBD supplement, it is crucial to contact your veterinarian and the Pet Poison Helpline® (855-764-7661) immediately. They may recommend bringing your dog to the nearest veterinary hospital.

Symptoms of CBD oil toxicity in dogs may include diarrhea, vomiting, restlessness, slow or fast heart rate, rapid breathing, and pale gums.