Dogs enjoy the many benefits of CBD. It’s great for relaxation, de-stress, and ease of emotional factors. It may add pleasure to existing conditions and relieve pain such as joint pain from arthritis. Recent studies show promising results for overall well-being, making this an excellent choice for dogs of all ages and breeds.
CBD is an easy-to-use remedy, readily available in dropper bottles. It is intended for use as both a topical and edible product. There are so many brands on the market though that it may be hard to choose. It’s also hard to know whether or not to trust just one product versus a regimen or variety. Here are some suggestions to get you started.
Basics of Using CBD with Dogs
Dogs should have no problem tolerating the taste of CBD oil. If the oil doesn’t come already flavored, it still has a pleasant nutty taste that is similar to hemp seeds or even toasted sunflower seeds. It’s quite digestible and mixable with food, so it’s a versatile choice when it comes to working with what you already have on hand as far as feeding goes. For example, CBD drops may be added to wet or dry dog food, healthy treats, or even just water.
Dosing and Use
There is less guidance out there in terms of dosing. This is something you will need to adjust according to personal needs or find professional help. That’s because even though CBD is legal and safe, there is no way to know an exact amount that will work for your dogs. There should be some general guidelines on the brand label of your CBD product. If not, don’t worry. You can adjust the dosage going from the lowest to the highest amounts as needed under toxic thresholds.
Efficacy and Safety
You definitely don’t want or need to use too much CBD with your dogs. This will be both ineffective and dangerous since there are still many unknown factors involved with efficacy and side effects. That said, CBD has only residual THC, so it’s nearly impossible to experience a psychoactive effect.
You’re looking for fewer signals of pain and more relaxation in your dog. That means the dog should appear and seem more comfortable, have zero cries or whimpers from pain, and be calm in terms of demeanor. This is true while using CBD products on their own or as a complementary therapy option with vet care.
Brands to Look For
There will always be new products on the market offering incentives to buy, such as improved extraction processes, more organic crops, and even local versus global production. Here’s a list of brands that have received some very positive attention lately.
- Verma Farms – this brand offers flavored oils that are sure to please your dog’s taste buds
- Penguin – domestic US products that are non-GMO
- EVN CBD – a company offering oil for dogs and humans alike, this brand also makes CBD dog treats
- Honest Paws – a dog-focused brand with options for specific needs such as Calm
- Holistapet – another non-GMO favorite, this brand has various strengths available making the dosing process easier