CBD Topicals for Dogs

Pain Relief

Promising results have been observed in some animal laboratory tests. It has been demonstrated that animals who consumed CBD experienced a significant reduction in arthritis pain and itchiness, as well as a decrease in the size of cancer cells, reduced aggression, and improved seizure control. There are multiple methods available for utilizing CBD for pets.

Pets can suffer from bodily pain due to various factors such as aging, sprains, fractures, excessive stretching, infections, and more. CBD possesses anti-pain properties, and the use of full-spectrum CBD oil enables pets to move and run without experiencing pain.

If your pet dog displays any signs of pain, you can utilize CBD oils specifically formulated for dogs. You can either add a drop of full-spectrum hemp oil to their food or apply it directly to their skin through massage. CBD topicals can assist in relieving muscle and joint pain.

Alleviate itchiness

Is your dog excessively scratching its body? As responsible pet owners, it is crucial to exercise extra caution. Scratching can be caused by bug bites, fleas, parasites on the dog’s skin, hypothyroidism, and other skin infections. Even pollen in the park or the surrounding air can trigger severe skin allergies.

To address itchy skin and hot spots, you can utilize a full-spectrum CBD oil tincture. CBD oils are diluted with various essential oils such as olive oil, tea tree oil, coconut oil, and unrefined shea butter to alleviate pain and provide relief to the skin.

Maintain a healthy coat and fur

Topical CBD salve or CBD oil possesses anti-inflammatory properties and can be employed to maintain the health of your pet’s fur and coat. A CBD salve formulated with full-spectrum hemp extract helps prevent fungal infections, yeast infections, cysts, fatty tumors, skin infections, polyps, warts, hematomas, and hot spots.